Our fine chess products are sourced from manufactures who we have been painstakingly selected for their high quality standards. We have visited each and every supplier in person and we always cultivate a close working relationship with them. We only buy directly from the actual chess workshops that produce the products, not through middle men. This means we can liaise directly with the people making the products when outlining our exacting quality standards.
Many of our chess sets are imported to the UK from suppliers in Europe and further afield. Every single foreign supplier has had a personal visit from the owners of the Regency Chess Company to ensure they step up to the mark in the way they treat their craftsmen. We will not compromise in our high standards of ethics when it comes to buying imported goods from abroad.
As part of our continued drive to bring you only fine quality chess products we have deliberately avoided importing wooden chess products from China. The Regency Chess Company doesn't wish to associate itself with poor quality mass production, hence you wont find any Chinese wooden chess sets anywhere on this website.